I want to write today about the glories of grace. These last few weeks, I've been marveling through the most amazing, clear,
free sensation. At first I thought something was wrong because I didn't feel the pulling, tugging need to find something Important to do. Nothing was chasing me with feelings of guilt and telling me that I "must" do house chores or work on writing.
This is the truth. So far as salvation and God's love goes, I can do or not do absolutely anything! I am free! I need not fear making any mistakes, because my Lord will still love me.
And then, as the knowledge of my freedom fills mind and soul, my heart answers. It rises up in joy. So, in the absence of fear, my old abusive comrade, I am finding something startlingly new. Love. An honest, truthful desire from my heart to do those same things I thought I needed external compulsion to achieve.
I do good things because I can, not because I must. That is the power of grace.