It's not the destination; it really is the journey. Or rather, it's both, but the only part over which we have control of any sort is the here and now. The instant in front of me. This is very humbling. My tendency my entire life has been to create huge, immensely difficult goals and dreams - and then to berate myself when I fall short halfway. Goals are great, but mine have changed so often that it's not funny. I extrapolate on a passing interest and expand it into a life purpose.
The thing is, though, each closed road is a satisfying necessity. If I didn't try a path, I wouldn't know where it leads. I never want to look back in life and wonder, "What if?" I want to say, "I tried, and now I know where my limitations lie."
I have a habit of bashing up against those limitations at a breakneck pace and injuring myself dreadfully. As I grow a little older, God has been slowing me down. More than that, He's shown me that some boundaries are worth a second try - eventually.