What am I?
I am a GEEK!!
What do I want to do?
I want to finish everything that I have started and left incomplete over the last few years because I was weak on my own power. This includes:
- facilitating the stinkin' Honor Code stuff at PHC, if possible. I think it is. I'm not a student any more, but I can still talk to influential students.
- helping the student Tech Commission to fix up the senate website. Should be a good item for me to advise on, since I will be a webbie for PHC.
- finishing the half-dozen stories I have left half-completed on my computer. I outlined one of them tonight. It is going to be a pretty good book when it is done.
- finishing my screenplay and making my movie! God willing, I ought to make local contacts this summer with Mr. Escobar's project.
- writing my epic trilogy
- researching the origins of the world
- joining a church (Grace!) and volunteering for music and/or Sunday school
- finishing my History major!
- embarking on grad school 'cause I might want to teach at the college level someday
- visiting South America where the Incas lived!
It appears to me that I have already begun most of my life projects. Some of them will just take a little longer to finish than others. This all ought to keep me busy, what do you think?