As of last night, I think I have come to another culminating point of my life, one of those epiphanies that changes everything that comes after. When I was 17, I vowed that I would always put my hand up in support of God, no matter what it cost me. When I was 20, I told Jesus that He was my Lord, not just my Savior. Now I am 23, and I think I understand what singlehood means. It is not being alone. It is the amazing opportunity to be married to God. Like a nun, a temporary nun.
The fact I haven't wanted to accept for years is this: I have work to do on my own for a while. That's the way God made me. I can do so many things all at once. It is time just to let them all out. It is like a very tall woman unconsciously stooping because she is embarrassed that God made her so tall. She can't help it. Neither can I. Why handicap myself?
I have a full-time job now, and I plan to be involved in movie projects and graduate work as well. This coming year, God willing, I will take two history classes at PHC each semester and finish up my History major. So for three years at least, I will be very, very busy. I
mustn't get distracted.
But I know I am prone to distraction, particularly emotional distraction. So I must plan ahead of time and protect myself in ways that people who do not have this problem don't have to do. Kind of like a recovering alcoholic.
This is what I think it means to be married to God for this time:
- I will not flirt with any man or hold excessively long conversations with only him.
- Nor will I cheat on God by indulging mental fantasies of any sort, no matter how harmless they seem.
- I will strive to use all my energies in His service.
- I will embark on a regimen of discipline - body, mind, and soul - to make myself more pleasing to Him.
- I will speak to Him daily in prayer and listen to His replies in His Word.
Extra measures I will have to take:
- I will make friends with only girls and keep guys at the acquaintance level, with the exception of those few I already know are "safe" for me.
- I will refrain from dancing during this season.
- I will try to anticipate empty blocks of time and prepare for them with volunteer work or scheduled activities.
I know that I will find every one of these resolutions difficult. At times, some will be tested to the utmost, and I will question their validity. But this is where I start. I think it is the first step to really enjoying life.