I rolled into the home driveway right on schedule. My brain was buzzing with PHC stuff all the way home. There are so many things I am dying to type that I just can't. Frankly, after sitting here and stewing for several minutes, I have decided that I can't write about 'most anything I did or thought while I was there. So I shall stick with the bare minimum. It would about sum it up to say that I talked with several dozens of people, visited several classes, spent an hour or so with each of my closest handful of friends, and generally enjoyed being the center of attention. I felt really bad about how busy everyone else was, but I was thankful for any time they could give me.
Arrgh! *frowns at nobody in particular* This post is proving harder to write than I had thought. I will close by saying that I was glad to visit, and I am also glad to be home now. I do believe I am learning "in whatsoever state I find myself, therewith to be content."
** Addendum: Hahaha at self! I hadn't realized that the last sentence could be taken both literally and figuratively.