I fell in love today. The object of my affections is sitting in our living room right now, and I can't have it. Here is a picture:

Yes, I am speaking of
James Ussher's Annals of the World. My mom received a review sample of the new English translation from Answers in Genesis. It is huge, leatherbound in red, and jam-packed with heavily-footnoted data on all important events from the beginning of the world until A.D. 70. I want it. I salivate over it. But I cannot have it, even if I review it (that's the normal deal), because Mom wants to keep it for the family as a whole! I tried to explain that the family as a whole will not read it, whereas I will, but she was not swayed. I'm thinking I might manage to obtain a copy some time before I return to school, because for me it is a treasure trove. The items I could learn!!! *sigh*