One of the hardest places for me to keep my patience is on the road. People pull into miniscule spaces in the lane in front of me without bothering to signal. They inch forward in the lefthand lane so that I cannot see around them to turn right. And my pet peeve of all pet peeves - they scrum up against my back bumper and hang only a few feet away because I am going "only" seven miles over the speed limit and there are three cars in the lane in front of me. I hate, hate,
hate it when people get that close. It is stupid and dangerous, and above all, pointless. What is it supposed to accomplish?
I've often wished that cars had a rearwards horn as well as a frontwards one. Or perhaps, better yet, a button that caused it to emit a black puff of smoke from its back end.
Some way to signal to the person behind that he is raising my stress level.
I have to keep reminding myself, over and over again, that when I am on the road my main purpose is not, contrary to expectations, to get to my destination in the shortest possible time. Nor is it my job to make sure that people who act moronically "learn their lesson." I need to do everything, even driving my car, peaceably, as an ambassador for Christ.