Life of Pride
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Ho-hum. Random tidbits from a lovely Saturday afternoon. Today I am writing a Physics syllabus for the co-op class I am teaching this coming school year. It is due tomorrow, so I should have probably written it before, but I very purposefully left it for this Saturday. It's taking about as long as I thought - 2+ hours so far, and I am about a third of the way through. The hard part is scanning through the textbook and trying to figure out what parts make sense to teach when, and then deciding what to do for appropriate experiments each week. Then of course there is the appropriate introductory jibber-jabber, teacher expectations, grade breakdown, all that good stuff. It's a complicated little thingie, and I'm sure this is a great experience for me. Even if I will have only 3-4 students. :P

Hmm. I also need to go to the library some time today before 5pm, when it closes. I found that there is actually a Starbucks one collection of shops over from the library - the sort with cushy chairs. :D :D Earlier this summer I was excited to notice a Starbucks near our friendly neighborhood mega-Wal-Mart, but it was the nasty kind with hard-back wooden chairs. Most unpleasant. Anyway, I plan to sit in the nice Starbucks and read for a while after going to the library. My new schoolbooks are trickling in, and I want to get a bit ahead. Every hour I spend reading now is an hour more of sleep at college. :) When I put it that way to myself, I become quite motivated.

Oh, what else? I received my class schedule in the mail today. It was just as I already posted, only Novel is at 3pm instead of 2pm. Same diff; I won't make it back from the co-op in time to hit more than the last five minutes even if I hurried, and chances are my Physics class will want a little extra time some days, or somebody will have questions. Wouldn't do to rush away like a crazy person, now would it?

Yesterday I saw the movie Sky High. I was hoping it would be good, because the preview for it looked fun, but it was absolutely lousy - the worst movie I've seen all summer. I would find it hard to name what was good about it, except that I liked two of the characters - the hippie girlfriend, and the kid (Warren Peace) who hates our hero. It was poorly paced and improbably written, with embarrassingly overdone acting from Kurt Russell and with huge gaping plot holes. Most people who were watching with me at 4:45pm on opening day left wearing the same sort of twisted-mouth expression as I felt on my own face, as if we tasted something bad. Blech.

I also visited a friend's house last night with Maddy and Lillie, which was much more fun. We played a game like Clue, only in reverse, entitled "Kill Dr. Lucky." If it sounds macabre, it's because it was, but in a way that appealed to my sense of dark humor.

All right, here I go - back to work!

So I finally get around to ordering what I wanted to get with the lovely gift certificate you got me. I had to wait for a convenient time to grab my mother dearest since what I decided to order went slightly over the cert. ammount (I had some birthday cash from grandmothers, though) and I wanted to borrow mumsy's c.card for the excess. I have her, go online to get the cert. code and such from the e-mail-- only to discover that the student e-mail is down and won't be working for another three weeks. Grrr.
So I decide to write you. Of course, from the time I decide to write you to the time it actually happens is a week. But here I am, nonetheless.
Is there anyway you could re-send or forward or something the gift cert. info to my home e-mail? if not, that's fine. I'll just have to be patient and wait until mid-August to order.

Ohhh, I am sorry to hear that. :( I checked my other email account to see if I bought it from there, but it looks like I used the student email account too. I sure hope nothing happens to the saved emails on the network!
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Why blog? Everyone's doing it. Normally that would be enough to keep me far, far away, but the concept is too cool. Spread your personal thoughts to the world - far better than talking, because you can say anything, and you don't need the courage to look someone in the eye. So, with these reasons in mind, I have embarked. Enjoy, or not, as the case may be. I know I will.

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