A brand-new morning of life, in a brand-new summer, and I'm sore. Last night I had a
killer Tae Kwon Do class. I haven't done TKD for nine months, and though I possess a hard-earned black belt, last night I felt like something around a green belt. I felt slightly crippled. What I would do, I could not, and what I would not do, I did. I have my work cut out for me this summer, as I lose at least 10 pounds.
I have also forgotten most of my poomse (TKD forms/choreographed moves in sequence). This becomes my first priority, because my dojang (TKD school) is hosting a tournament on June 12th, and I would like to be able to compete in at least poomse. I am nowhere near at my old level of sharpness, however, and I have to move slower and wrap my knees, because they've been aching for the past month or so.
College. It destroys a person's health, I tell you.